Study on Deposit of Electronic Publications

Subject: Study on Deposit of Electronic Publications
From: Emanuella Giavarra (
Date: pe 29 marras 1996 - 17:27:06 EET

Dear list members,

On 30 October I send a message to the ecup-list on the EU Study on
Deposit of Electronic Publications. The fax number of the Office of
Official Publications included in the massage appeared to be incorrect.
The correct fax number is +352-292942759. The address is: 2 rue Mercier,
L-2985 Luxembourg.

Kind regards,
Emanuella Giavarra

The European Commission, DGXIII, has recently published a study
entitled "Deposit collections of electronic publications" The study is
one of a series on "Libraries in the Information Society", carried out
under the "Libraries" sector of the Community's specific RTD
programme in the field of telematics applications.

The study focuses on the problems and needs of maintaining
complete collections of published material in new digital formats.
Whilst most countries require publishers to deposit copies of all
published printed material in certain "deposit libraries", these legal
requirements often do not apply to publications in electronic formats.

The conclusion of the study underline the need to extend deposit
requirements to electronic formats. The study however recognizes
that, in view of the constantly changing nature of electronic
publishing, there is a need to maintain flexible rules in respect of
electronic formats.

A copy of the report can be obtained from the Office of Official
Publications in Luxembourg (Price 18.50 ECU), fax: +352-290828.

Kind regards,
Emanuella Giavarra

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