Finnish Minister of Culture supports "fair use"

Subject: Finnish Minister of Culture supports "fair use"
From: Mikael Book (
Date: to 28 marras 1996 - 08:51:03 EET

The chairman of the WIPO expert committee, Mr Jukka Liedes, is an official
of the Finnish Ministry of Education. Furthermore, Mr Liedes is said to be
a strong candidate for the post as new chairman for WIPO itself. This has
lead us to suspect that the official Finnish delegation to the WIPO
diplomatic conference will fully support the harmful (for the libraries
and the reading public) WIPO proposals.

Earlier this week, the Finnish Minister of culture, Mr Claes Andersson,
said as much on the WIPO issues in a statement published by the newspaper
"Helsingin Sanomat". The statement did not include one single point
of critique against the WIPO-proposals.

In today's Helsingin Sanomat, Claes Andersson puts forward a modified
standpoint. Responding the the question "Wouldn't it be reasonable to
support the libraries in the international context?", Claes Andersson
now said:
 "This is indeed the point which will be raised from the side of the Finnish

And to the question should not the libraries have the copyright for "fair
use", Andersson says: "Of course. We will not ratify the agreement if it
does not satisfy us"

    - Mika

Mikael Book * Katto-Meny * Tallbergink 1/39 * FIN-00180 Helsinki * Phone +358-9-6947730 * Fax +358-9-27090369
gsm 040 5511 324

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