Subject: Swedish press coverage on WIPO proposal
From: Jakob Harnesk (
Date: ke 13 marras 1996 - 00:34:02 EET
FYI, the following articles and editorials about the WIPO proposal have
appeared in Swedish newspapers during the last week:
4 nov, Aftonbladet, by Gunnar Ohrlander: Ska de faa staenga det
elektroniska biblioteket? ('Will they be allowed to close the electronic
This article was followed by two replies, both written by
representatives of Swedish copyright organisations:
10 nov, Aftonbladet, by Gunnar Petri: Skydd, inte hot (Protection, not
10 nov, Aftonbladet, by Mats Lindberg: Staenger inget ('Closes nothing')
Gunnar Ohrlander replied directly (10 nov, Aftonbladet): Ett klockrent
krav ('A claim clear as a bell')
URL for these three:
11 nov, Dagens Nyheter (main editorial): Kunskap ska vara tillgaenglig :
copyrightintressena faar inte i tysthet begraensa den digitala
informationsfriheten ('Knowledge shall be available : copyright
interests must not, in silent, limit the digital freedom of
12 nov, Dagens Nyheter, by Karl-Erik Tallmo: Upphovsraett med foerhinder
: ersaettning foer digitala texter och bilder kan goera Naetet svaart
att anvaenda ('Copyright with prevention : payment for digital texts and
images can make the Net hard to use')
12 nov, Metro, by Nina Sjoegren: Biblioteken rasar oever
upphovsraettsfoerslag ('Libraries rave against copyright proposal')
11 nov, Computer Sweden, by Nina Sjoegren: Anvaendarstorm mot vaessad
upphovsmannaraett ('User storm against sharpened copyright')
I do wish I had the time to translate them all into English. To
summarize, all these articles (except the two replies from the copyright
organisations) express a fear that the traditional balance between
copyright owners and users will be changed or even completely
eliminated. The arguments used by libraries and library organisations
are referred. All articles mention the letter sent by the Royal Library
to the Ministry of Justice (
and most articles also refer to the opinions expressed by FID and IFLA.
Best regards,
Jakob Harnesk, Executive officer
Royal Library, BIBSAM (Office for National Planning and Co-ordination)
P.O Box 5039, S- 102 41 Stockholm,
Telephone: +46 8 463 42 70; +46 70 553 91 98
Fax: +46 8 463 42 74
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