Subject: WIPO documents and position papers
From: Emanuella Giavarra (
Date: ti 12 marras 1996 - 14:40:04 EET
Dear list members,
For the people who are interested to have or see the complete
WIPO documents, you can find them at:,
look under What's New and after that under Current
As you know there are three bundles of Treaty proposals: One to
update the Berne Convention on the rights of authors, including
computer programs; one to update the rights of producers and
performers in sound recordings; and one to create new protections
for copyrightable and noncopyrightable databases.
The first one contains far reaching proposals which will effect the
library community directly. You can find them under heading: Basic
proposals for the Substansive Provisions of the Treaty on
Certain Questions Concerning the Protection of Literary and
Artistics works.
The following articles causes a great deal of trouble for the future of
the flow of information and the activities performed by users and
libraries. These are articles 7, 10, 12, 13 and 14. When you select
the individual articles you will first get the notes on your screen and
after that the proposed articles.
Position Papers
After the Oslo conference, EBLIDA drafted a Position Paper which
will be soon available on the ecup-list and the ECUP Web-site.
IFLA has produced a seperate Position Paper which will appear on
the ecup-list within the next few days. For the Position Paper of the
Digital Future Coalition in the US, please visit
The EBLIDA and IFLA Position Paper will be sent to the national
delegates at the WIPO Diplomatic Conference to make them aware
of the concerns of the library community.
What is needed at this moment is press coverage of the WIPO
proposals and its consequences. From Heikki Poroila we know that
press coverage has been taken care of in Finland. In Sweden there
has been two articles in the dayly newspapers. I am not aware of
any other articles or press announcements. Anybody who has
contacts with the press, please use it to make the public aware of
what is going to happen in Geneva in December 1996. It would be
helpful if you could send the articles which have appeared in the
press in your country to the EBLIDA secretariat in The Hague,
Fax: +31-70-3090708.
Kind regards,
Emanuella Giavarra
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