Subject: Re: copyright in multimedia education: seminar and website
From: Ann Christensen/CTU (Ann_Christensen/
Date: ma 28 loka 1996 - 12:05:00 EET
---------------------- Forwarded by Ann Christensen/CTU on 28-10-96 12:02
ecup.secr @ (Emanuella Giavarra)
25-10-96 15:47
To: ann christensen
Subject: Re: copyright in multimedia education: seminar and website
Dear Ann,
Could I please ask you to send your message to:
Thank you very much for your interesting message.
Kind regards,
Emanuella Giavarra
> to whom it may concern;
> The Danish National Center for Technology Supported Learning is hosting
> a seminar on copyright in multimedia supported education on November 13.
> This takes place in the Copenhagen suburb of Holte. Pernille Kallehave
> from the Danish Institute of Technology has been in contact with
> Emmanuella Giavarra, who has referred her to the danish coordinator,
> Carsten Frederiksen.
> We're wondering if it is possible to announce the seminar on your
> website as this seems to work as a focal point for copyright interested
> people. If possible please write back to:
> Also your linkspage to national ressources does not list any danish
> ressources. The Danish National Center for Technology Supported Learning
> has a copyright forum (in danish) at the URL:
> If you have any questions or should need a danish copyright contact
> you're most welcome to contact:
> Kindest regards: Paul C. Vang, CTU (the Center)
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