copyright in multimedia education: seminar and website

Subject: copyright in multimedia education: seminar and website
From: Ann "V." Christensen (
Date: pe 25 loka   1996 - 18:05:09 EEST

to whom it may concern;

The Danish National Center for Technology Supported Learning is hosting
a seminar on copyright in multimedia supported education on November 13.
This takes place in the Copenhagen suburb of Holte. Pernille Kallehave
from the Danish Institute of Technology has been in contact with
Emmanuella Giavarra, who has referred her to the danish coordinator,
Carsten Frederiksen.

We're wondering if it is possible to announce the seminar on your
website as this seems to work as a focal point for copyright interested
people. If possible please write back to:

Also your linkspage to national ressources does not list any danish
ressources. The Danish National Center for Technology Supported Learning
has a copyright forum (in danish) at the URL:

If you have any questions or should need a danish copyright contact
you're most welcome to contact:

Kindest regards: Paul C. Vang, CTU (the Center)

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