Subject: Re: Directive on lending right
Date: ti 03 syys 1996 - 18:22:33 EEST
Item Subject: Texto de mensaje
Emmanuella Giavarra asked on the functioning of the EU Directive on rental
and lending rights in each european country.
This is the Spanish situation: this Directive was adopted by the Spanish
legislation on December 30th of 1994 (Law 43/94), two years after the
european directive was approved.
As far as I know, I haven't heard nothing rellevant from the spanish library
community regarding this adoption.
Re to libraries, our national law forsees the following exceptions: no need
to have permission to lend and, no payment of remuneration for those
lendings that take place in spanish libraries that have at least one of the
following characteristics:
a) funded by government bodies (state, regional, local,...);
b) belong to bodies with a cultural, scientific or educational general
interest without a profit aim;
c) belong to any educational body integrated into the spanish educational
===================================================JOSEP SORT Tel: +34-3-542.17.26
Deputy Librarian Fax: +34-3-542.16.86
Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Balmes, 132
08008 BARCELONA (Spain)
===================================================From giavarra Mon Sep 9 23:44:33 1996
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From: Emanuella Giavarra <>
Subject: Electronic Copyright Management Systems
Date: Mon, 09 Sep 96 21:44:13 GMT
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Dear list members,
I would like to include on the ECUP Web-site a special section on
projects in the area of Electronic Management Systems. I am
only aware of some European projects in this area, but there must
be several international and national projects who focus on this
subject. I have heard that the music industry is very advanced in this
area. Please let me know which projects I should include.
Best wishes,
Emanuella Giavarra
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