Copyright workshop 4-5 November

Subject: Copyright workshop 4-5 November
From: Barbara Schleihagen ( )
Date: ti 03 syys   1996 - 16:09:20 EEST

Dear ecup-subscriber,
the following invitation is to all members of EBLIDA:


On 4 and 5 November 1996 the Norwegian Library Association in cooperation
with EBLIDA and the Oslo College, Faculty of Journalism, Library and
Information Science is organising a workshop to inform all members of EBLIDA
on recent international and European developments in copyright, and to
prepare an EBLIDA position paper concerning the new proposals of the Expert
Committee of World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO), Electronic
Copyright Management Systems and the Directive on the legal proctection of

The urgency of the meeting is due to the new proposals of the Chairman of
the WIPO Expert Committee for the new Protocol to the Berne Convention. On 1
September 1996, the Chairman presented its draft proposals to the
governments of the countries which are signatories to the Berne Convention.
Among them are all EU Members States. At the WIPO Diplomatic Conference in
early December 1996 these proposals are planned to be discussed and adopted.
The proposals will have far reaching consequences for the new electronic
services of libraries. Under discussion is which activities should be seen
as an act of reproduction in the new electronic environment. Everything that
is seen as an act of reproduction causes an infringement of copyright. This
could include, as proposed, viewing of a computer screen or faxing of a
document. Previous proposals of the EU and the USA to the WIPO Expert
Committee cannot be considered library friendly.

EBLIDA is grateful to the Norwegian library association for taking the lead
in organising this major event. I should like to ask you to support this
event by sending a representative of your association or institution to the

Enclosed please find the programme of the workshop. Further information and
the application form will be sent to you by mail. Background documentation
will be distributed to all participants prior to the workshop.

Barbara Schleihagen
P.O. Box 43300
NL-2504 AH The Hague
Tel: +31-70-309 06 08
Fax: +31-70-309 07 08


Monday, 4 November 1996

Chairperson: Søren Møller, President of EBLIDA

 8.30 hrs Registration

 9.00 hrs Opening
                Søren Møller, President of EBLIDA
                Frode Bakken, President of Norwegian Library Association

 9.15 hrs Purpose of the Day
                Ragnar Audunson, Dean of Faculty
                Marianne Myklebust, Senior Executive Officer
                Oslo College, Faculty of Journalism, Library and
Information Science

 9.30 hrs Introduction to Copyright
                Emanuella Giavarra, Project Director ECUP+

10.30 hrs Coffee/tea break

11.00 hrs WIPO Proposals for the Diplomatic Conference in December
                Helge Sonneland, Director General, Norwegian Ministry of
Cultural Affairs;
                Chairman of Legal Advisory Board, Council of Europe

11.30 hrs Consequences of the WIPO Proposals for Libraries
                Thomas Vinje, Copyright Councellor

12.00 hrs Discussion

12.30 hrs Lunch

13.30 hrs Electronic Copyright Management Systems
                Jon Bing, Professor, Member of the European Commission
DGXIII Legal Advisory Board

14.00 hrs Introduction to IMPRIMATUR/COPEARMS
                N.N. (Representative of Imprimatur)

14.30 hrs Discussion

15.00 hrs Coffee/tea break

15.30 hrs ECUP+ Activities and Results
                Emanuella Giavarra, Project Director ECUP+

16.15 hrs Discussion

17.00 hrs Close

18.30 hrs Reception
                The Norwegian National Librarian Ben Rugaas invites all
participants to a reception in Henrik Ibsen’s flat in

20.00 hrs Dinner

Tuesday, 5 November 1996

Chairperson: Kristine Abelsnes, Vice-President of Norwegian Library

 9.00 hrs Formulation of an EBLIDA Position with the help of drafts
presented by the organisers

                WIPO Proposals and Discussion on Lobby Strategy
                Frode Bakken, President of Norwegian Library Association

                ECMS Systems
                Sandy Norman, Information Manager Legal and Parliamentary,
The Library Association; IFLA Copyright Adviser

                Directive on the Legal Protection of Databases
                Emanuella Giavarra, Project Director ECUP+

                A representative of the American Library
Association/Digital Future Coalition
                has been invited. Attendance is not yet confirmed.

12.30 hrs Lunch

13.30 hrs Final Discussion

                Summing Up
                Emanuella Giavarra, Project Director ECUP+

15.00 hrs Close


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