Call for Papers - ICCC/IFIP Conference on Electronic Publishing

Subject: Call for Papers - ICCC/IFIP Conference on Electronic Publishing
From: J.W.T.Smith (
Date: ti 27 elo    1996 - 23:54:50 EEST

*** NB - Please forward a copy of this CFP to any list you feel might
be interested but is not already listed in the 'To:' field above - Thanks ***

          ICCC/IFIP Conference on Electronic Publishing

                         CALL FOR PAPERS

           Venue: University of Kent at Canterbury, UK

                     Date: 14 - 16 April 1997

Audience: Academics, publishers and commercial organisations

Requirements: We are looking for papers, which will
be given 30-35 minutes for presentation (plus 10 minutes
discussion), on the themes specified below. We are also
considering holding a poster session for appropriate papers. Both
types of contribution will be assessed by a review panel prior to
acceptance, and both will subsequently be eligible for
publication in the conference proceedings. Assessment of
eligibility will be made on the basis
of submitted abstracts.

Conference: Two themes will run in parallel throughout most
of the conference.

They are:

Technical theme, including but not limited to: New technology for
handling electronic publication; Relevant developments in
networking; Standardisation requirements; Interface developments.

Socio-economic theme, including but not limited to: Changing
roles of publishers, subscription agents, libraries and others
involved in the information dissemination process; Author/reader
requirements; Subject differences; Economic/financial questions.

Abstract: Submitted abstracts should consist of about 500
words. They should, in addition, include title, author's name,
institutional affiliation, contact information, and which of the
above topics is being addressed by the paper. Abstracts can be
submitted by mail, electronic mail or fax to the address below.
Both theoretical and practical papers are requested - practical
papers based on experience are especially encouraged.

Conference fees will be waived for the authors of accepted

The closing date for submitting abstracts is 1 November 1996.

For further information on the submission of papers,or to discuss
a possible topic not covered above, please e-mail:

Otherwise you may telephone, fax, or write to:

Fytton Rowland
Department of Information and Library Studies,
Loughborough University,
Loughborough, Leicestershire LE11 3TU, UK

Phone +44 (0)1509 223039
Fax +44 (0)1509 223053

Further information about the conference (including a 'registration of
interest form' for prospective speakers or delegates) can be found on the
World Wide Web at:

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