Norway : implementation of the EU lending directive

Subject: Norway : implementation of the EU lending directive
From: Frode Bakken, TbgBib ( )
Date: ke 28 elo    1996 - 11:23:50 EEST

Giavarra asked about the situation of the implementation of
the EU directive on rental and lending rights.

The directive shall according to the EEA-treaty ble implemented
also in norwegian law. This was done 2nd of june 1995 (active from
30. june 1995) when the norwegian parliament voted for the new
norwegian copyright law.
The ministry tells in a letter (21.8.96) that at the moment there
are no initiatives from the ministry concerning art. 5.4. in the
directive and an evaluation of the directive.

Frode Bakken
president Norwegian library association

Frode Bakken                           Email:
T|nsberg Public Library                Tlf. : +47-33 31 94 85
Storgt. 16, N-3110 T|nsberg, Norway    Fax  : +47-33 31 64 75

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