Subject: The role of subscription agents
From: Emanuella Giavarra (
Date: ma 24 kesä 1996 - 18:55:43 EEST
Dear ecup-list subscribers,
At a Swets seminar in the Netherlands on the changing role of organizations in the information chain, Mr
Jan Velterop, Managing Director of Academic Press UK, stressed that he was keen that publishers and
subscription agents worked together for the good of customers in areas such as licence administration,
the development of databases and cooperation in the value added services offered by each.
It is now often heard that larger publishing houses prefer subscription agents to assist them with the
licence administration of their electronic publications. Is this the prefered mechanisme for librarians?
What about the smaller publishers? What about the role of the collecting societies, like KOPINOR,
KOPIOSTO, VG WORT etc. Will the subscription agents substitute the collecting societies in the
negotiations with libraries for electronic copying?
Emanuella Giavarra
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