Subject: About publishers position paper...
From: Rami Heinisuo (
Date: ti 25 kesä 1996 - 10:41:13 EEST
I'm not sure if this hostile 'then sue me' attitude that some of us
librarians have about publishers is the right attitude.
Publishers will be around for quite some time still and I see no reason
to start building barricades. Libraries and publishers have and will
co-exist, though they will both have to change as times change.
Some of the hostile responses are quite correct, since the whole idea of
'you could photocopy that but you can't save it on your diskette' is
absurd. I as a librarian and a writer am in the middle of the action, so
to speak. I fully understand the need for a public library system and I
am for such a system , but I still think that even in the digital world
'fair use' means fair to both parties: fair to writers, fair to readers.
A writer should get a fair compensation for her work, and the reader
should have a fair chance to read it in a library - or make a copy of it
for herself.
...from the land of about 60 000 lakes and rich forest resources,
Rami Heinisuo
information specialist
Rami Heinisuo City Library of Pori
Information specialist Regional library of Satakunta PB 200 FIN-28101 PORI
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