[puhekupla] (MAINOS) ITALO SPORT - Your Free-Form Spurt
From: Tommi Musturi (tomustur@uiah.fi)
Date: 25.09.2003 - 17:42:42
Tällainen julkaistiin:
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ITALO SPORT - Your Free-Form Spurt (Bong19, 28 pages,3 Euros)
Italo Sport, your only sport - an interplanetary odyssey to world of
twisted sports, erotism of mullets and TV-shop enthusiasm, all in
tight fit of 28 2-color pages size of 21 x 9 centimeter. "This is the
closest I can get to humour" says the author and wipes a lonesome tear
from the corner of his eye.
Italo Sport is another co-release between Hurry! and Boing Being, and
as usual, English translation is included. Three Euros is relatively
cheap price for pure nonsense.
For more information: info@madeinhurry.com