[puhekupla] Viesti Rosalta
From: vekatai@utu.fi
Date: 23.11.2002 - 09:50:50
Don Rosa täsmentää lakkosysteemiään:
I'm glad you wrote because it would be good for the Finnish comic culture to
know that I have never had any gripes with my friends at AKU ANKKA! They are
quite different from the people at every other European Disney publisher --
they have always admitted how the system cheats someone like me. The AKU
ANKKA people are tops! I have *never* been unhappy with the AKU ANKKA people, I
would appreciate it. If there's any negative publicity in the media about this
matter that reflects on AKU ANKKA, let me know about it so I can put a stop to
P.S.: Meanwhile, if you know any wealthy Finns who would like to buy one of
my past Duck stories, please put me onto them. I'm in need of finding ways
to keep a cash flow going so I can pay the mortgage.