[puhekupla] Jukko - suomalainen super DC:lle
From: Vesa Kataisto (vekatai@utu.fi)
Date: 05.03.2002 - 11:17:17
Jaa etteikö kulttuurivaihto kannata? Tässäpä esimerkki DC:n tulevasta
Stormwatch-sarjan sankarista:
Jukko Hämäläinen - Specialist in hand-to-hand combat with super-humans.
As a result of one too many battles his head is extremely misshapen and
he's covered with thick, ropey scars and pretty much every bone in his
body has been crushed at least once. The writer Micah Wright shared a
bit of the back story he's developed for Jukko.
"During the cold war Finland was Neutral between Russia and America. In
the Wildstorm Universe they created a large self-defense force of super
humans to keep Russia from rolling over and annexing them. Once the
genies out of the bottle it's
hard to shove him back in and when the cold war ended these guys all
went nuts! Basically they turned the country into a death camp. Jukko's
group is based on Finland's Osato Kahusta, the Bear Force, Finland's
anti-terrorism group."
Wright actually spent a year in Finland as a foreign exchange student
while in high school. The name of the character comes from a friend he
went to high school with who bears no resemblance to the, as Wright
calls him, "mutilated freak" in the book.
"Actually spent a year in Finland". Tosi extreemiä amerikkalaiselle. Ei
sentäs nimennyt hahmoaan Jurpo Haemaelaeseksi. Mitäs tähän sanoo
Hyvä-mies? Entäs Kapteeni Kuolio? Onko Rautaparta kuulolla? Tai
www.michahwright.com kertoo lisää jos joku haluaa tietää.
t. Vesa K.