
Subject: moraalikoodeista
From: Seppo Koskela ( )
Date: la 14 syys   1996 - 17:25:07 EEST

(kts. myös: eli
"The Ethics of Web Site Engineering")

Ethics in Cyberspace

Laverna M. Saunders
University of Nevada, Las Vegas

Cyberspace is a global community of people using computers in
networks. In order to function well, the virtual communities
supported by the Internet depend upon rules of conduct, the same
as any society. Librarians and information technologists must be
knowledgeable about ethical issues for the welfare of their
organizations and to protect and advise users.
     What is ethics? Ethics is the art of determining what is
right or good. It can also be defined as a general pattern or
way of life, a set of rules of conduct or moral code. Ethical
guidelines are based on values.
     The Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) is one national
organization which has developed a statement of its values.
Every member of ACM is expected to uphold the Code of Ethics and
Professional Conduct which includes these general moral
imperatives: 1) contribute to society and human well-being; 2)
avoid harm to others; 3) be honest and trustworthy; 4) be fair
and take action not to discriminate; 5) honor property rights
including copyrights and patents; 6) give proper credit for
intellectual property; 7) respect the privacy of others; and 8)
honor confidentiality.
     The very nature of electronic communication raises new moral
issues. Individuals and organizations should be proactive in
examining these concerns and developing policies which protect
liabilities. Issues which need to be addressed include: privacy
of mail, personal identities, access and control of the network,
pornographic or unwanted messages, copyright, and commercial uses
of the network. An Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) is recommended
as the way an organization should inform users of expectations
and responsibilities. Sample AUPs are available on the Internet
at gopher sites and can be retrieved by using Veronica to search
keywords "acceptable use policies" or "ethics."
     The Computer Ethics Institute in Washington, D.C. has
developed a "Ten Commandments of Computing": 1) Thou shalt not
use a computer to harm other people. 2) Thou shalt not interfere
with other people's computer work. 3) Thou shalt not snoop
around in other people's computer files. 4) Thou shalt not use a
computer to steal. 5) Thou shalt not use a computer to bear
false witness. 6) Thou shalt not copy or use proprietary
software for which you have not paid. 7) Thou shalt not use
other people's computer resources without authorization or proper
compensation. 8) Thou shalt not appropriate other people's
intellectual output. 9) Though shalt think about the social
consequences of the program you are writing or the system you are
designing. 10) Thou shalt always use a computer in ways that
show consideration and respect for your fellow humans (Washington
Post, 15 June 1992: WB3)

Anteeksi pitkä sitaatti, mutta mielestäni koodistoista pitäisi keskustella.
Artikkelissaan "The Ethics of Web Site Engineering" Chris MacDonald
kirjoittaa moraalisista hyödyistä ja haitoista, mistä myös KATTOn ja SKYn
tapauksessa lienee kysymys?

Jos alamme puhua leimautumisen pelosta (moraalinen kustannus, haitta) ehkä
olisi syytä myös alkaa analysoida miksi netistä nostetaan julkisuuteen
negatiivisia ja usein paikkansapitämättömiä sensaatioita (lapsipornon suhteeton
julkisuus etc.)

Terv. Seppo Koskela

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