WIPO Internet treaties come into force

Subject: WIPO Internet treaties come into force
From: Eblida (eblida@nblc.nl)
Date: to 11 huhti  2002 - 10:40:33 EEST

> To ECUP list
> With the adoption of the EU copyright Directive in June 2001, EU
> member states signed up to the WIPO copyright treaty.
> Gabon's accession on 6 December 2001 meant that WIPO had the required
> 30 signatories for it to come into force on 6 March 2002.
> On 20 February 2002, Honduras became the 30th country to join the
> sister treaty, the WIPO Phonograms and Performances Treaty (WPPT)
> which will come into force on 20 May 2002.
> Both treaties represent important developments in the history of
> international copyright law, updating it for the digital age. They
> require countries
> to provide a basic framework of rights for creators, performers, etc.
> and/or to be compensated for the different ways in which their work is
> used.
> But in order to achieve a balance of interests, the treaties also make
> clear that countries have flexibility in establishing exceptions and
> limitations to
> rights in the digital environment, and may either extend existing
> exceptions to the digital environment or adopt new ones.
> The treaties also stipulate that rightowners can use technology to
> protect their rights and to license their works online. In this
> context, the European
> Commission has initiated discussions on the use of digital rights
> management systems. EBLIDA is involved in these discussions.
> For more information, go to:
> http://www.wipo.int/treaties/ip/index.html
> Best wishes
> Teresa
> 11.4.2002
> ***************
> Teresa Hackett, Director
> P.O. Box 43300
> NL-2504 AH The Hague
> The Netherlands
> Tel: +31 70 309 0608
> Mobile: +31 6 204 16579
> Fax: +31 70 309 0708
> www.eblida.org
> ***************
> Lobbying for archives and libraries
> ***************

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