Subject: SPARC Europe seeks Director
Date: ke 10 huhti 2002 - 12:54:36 EEST
To ECUP list
Scholarly Publishing
Library Coalition Director
SPARC Europe, a groundbreaking library coalition that aims
to create change in the scholarly publishing marketplace,
seeks a Director to lead European development and advocacy
initiatives. This position oversees the organization's
start-up and operation, implements education programmes for
scholars, and develops publishing collaborations. The
successful candidate will be a self-starter with a minimum
of five years professional experience working in scholarly
publishing or an academic library, or with other directly
relevant experience. Work location will be either the
Utrecht (The Netherlands) or Oxford (UK), depending on the
successful candidate. Salary up to 50,000 euros p.a.,
depending on experience. Send CV and covering letter with
salary history by 3 May to: SPARC Europe Search, 21 Dupont
Circle NW, Suite 800, Washington, DC 20036 USA. E-mail: See for details.
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