EU copyright Directive adopted

Subject: EU copyright Directive adopted
From: Teresa Hackett (
Date: ke 11 huhti  2001 - 13:20:33 EEST

**Apologies for the cross-posting**

The EU copyright Directive was adopted by the Council of Ministers
on 9 April 2001, after more than three years of negotiation. All nine
compromise amendments introduced by the European Parliament
during the second reading on 14 February 2001 were adopted. The
Directive will be published in the Official Journal (OJ) of the EU
within a couple of weeks, from which time it will officially come into
European law. Member states then have 18 months to implement
the Directive into their own national law.
EBLIDA will be closely monitoring the national implementation
along with the EBLIDA copyright group.

Commission press release on adoption of the Directive
(long web address-no spaces):

Report on the debate and vote (13-14 February 2001) in Parliament:


Teresa Hackett, Director
P.O. Box 43300
NL-2504 AH The Hague
Tel: +31-70-309 0608
Mobile: +31-6-20416579
Fax: +31-70-309 0708
EBLIDA Lobbying for Libraries

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