European ICOLC 2000

Subject: European ICOLC 2000
From: Fred Friend (
Date: to 24 helmi  2000 - 16:53:53 EET

Our very good friend and helper, Emanuella Giavarra, has suggested
that I send to the ecup-list the message below, which some of you
may already have seen on the ICOLC list. I hope that many librarians
on the ecup list will be able to attend. ICOLC meetings are for
representatives from consortia, so when the time comes for
registration for the Berlin conference, please indicate the consortium
that you will be representing. If your consortium is not already a
member of ICOLC, please send a message to Tom Sanville,, giving information about the consortium.

On behalf of my colleagues who organized the successful Cranfield
ICOLC Conference last December, I am pleased to announce that a
second European ICOLC Conference will be held in Berlin from
lunchtime Friday 1 December through to the morning of Sunday 3
December. The location will be a new conference site run by the Max-
 Planck-Society in connection with the Free University of Berlin. The
local organizer will be Dr. F.W. (Pit) Froben, Chairman Friedrich-
Althoff-Konsortium, Berlin/Brandenburg, and the programme will be
put together by the same people who organized the Cranfield
Conference, plus Pit Froben.

The Berlin meeting is for any consortial delegates from anywhere in
the world! I hope that some of our North American colleagues will be
able to come to Berlin for this ICOLC meeting, as some of us will
continue to do our best to come to the US meetings. I think that those
who came to Cranfield will confirm that it was as valuable for them as
participation in the US meetings is for us. The Berlin meeting will be
the weekend before the London Online Conference which I know
many ICOLC people regard as being important.

More details and booking arrangements will be posted to this list soon
after Easter.

Fred Friend
Frederick J.Friend,
Director Scholarly Communication,
University College London,
Gower Street,
London WC1E 6BT,
Telephone/Fax 020 7679 4529
Mobile 0774 762 7738
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