(no subject)

Subject: (no subject)
From: Tuula Haavisto (tuulah@kaapeli.fi)
Date: pe 18 helmi  2000 - 16:10:40 EET

        bibban@lib.hel.fi, ecup-list@kaapeli.fi,
        Lesley Ellen Harris <lesley@copyrightlaws.com>
Subject: CECUP report on the web
Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.3.96.1000218155326.24167F-
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Reply-To: ecup-list@kaapeli.fi

Dear colleagues

The CECUP project, Central and Eastern European Copyright User
Platform, run by EBLIDA and financed by the European Commission,
 was completed in the end of 1999. Now the main written result, the
State-of-the-Art report is available on the web under the URL


The final State-of-the-Art report "Copyright and libraries in Central
and Eastern European countries" is the first overall presentation about
this topic. It presents the copyright regulations in these countries under
chapters like "Lending", "Library copying" and "Copying for private
purposes". Relations to decisionmakers and other copyright partners
are described. The report includes lots of detailed and up-dated
material, like an annex with direct quotations of the C&EE copyright
laws and sources of information on Internet and in paper form, as well
as some descriptions of law revision projects in the respective
countries. It also informs about the differences and similarities in
copyright practices between these countries and Western Europe. It
includes the first collected information about the Public Lending Right
situation on the CECUP area.

In case you have questions or comments, please contact me.

Tuula Haavisto
Project Manager of CECUP


Tuula Haavisto (Ms.)
kirjastoalan vapaapalokuntalainen
free lance library activist

e-mail tuulah@fla.fi c/o Virtual Office
mobile tel. +358 - 40 - 568 9396 Haemeentie 135 C
In Finland 040 - 568 9396 FIN-00560 Helsinki
faxes: +358 - 9 - 560 70 550 Finland
and 560 70 554


Barbara Schleihagen, Director
P.O. Box 43300
NL-2504 AH The Hague
Tel: +31-70-309 06 08
Fax: +31-70-309 07 08

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