(Fwd) Copyright owners in online database alliance

Subject: (Fwd) Copyright owners in online database alliance
From: Barbara Schleihagen (eblida@nblc.nl)
Date: ti 15 helmi  2000 - 10:32:11 EET

News from Australia for information.
Regards, Barbara Schleihagen

------- Forwarded Message Follows -------
From: "Charles Maddison" <cmaddison@copyright.com.au>
To: <cmaddison@copyright.com.au>
Subject: Copyright owners in online database alliance
Date sent: Tue, 15 Feb 2000 12:56:54 +1100

15 February 2000

Copyright owners, RMIT and national library in online alliance

The National Library of Australia (NLA), RMIT Publishing and
Copyright Agency Limited (CAL) have combined to develop a new
online research product, Australian Public Affairs – Full Text.

Launched in Melbourne tomorrow at the 10th VALA Biennial
Conference and Exhibition, Australian Public Affairs – Full Text is an
online collection of scanned documents from the top 200 Australian
journals indexed in APAIS (the Australian Public Affairs Information
Service), which is produced by the NLA.

Copyright Agency Limited’s Business Development Manager, Susan
Bridge, said: "CAL has undertaken the considerable task of clearing
permissions for articles, and coordinating royalty payments to journal

"RMIT Publishing will therefore be able to offer subscribers to
Australian Public Affairs – Full Text a combined user licence for full-
content and database access to this exciting content delivery service,
which will initially focus on the business, health and law sectors.

"Repertoire representing subject areas outside business, health and
law are also included in the database, and these lists will be expanded
during 2000 and beyond," she said.

"For the cost of a subscription, a library and its users (staff, students
and the public) may search the APAIS index and, if an article is available
on Australian Public Affairs – Full Text, the user can link to a PDF file
to view, download and print (subject to the terms of the subscription

"The PDF file will include all images, diagrams and charts contained in
the original article.

"This initiative provides a good example of the kind of e-commerce
models Australia needs to develop if we are to foster the local
creation of quality online content," Ms Bridge said.

"In any market for intellectual property, creators need to know they will
receive fair rewards for trading their rights and that effective channels
exist to distribute their work to the public.

"Australian Public Affairs – Full Text is an innovative way of ensuring
Australian authors, artists and publishers receive fair rewards when their
work is copied by a particular market sector, while simultaneously
facilitating public access to copyright material.

"CAL looks forward to further growth and development of this new
alliance between RMIT Publishing, the National Library of Australia
and copyright owners," Ms Bridge said.

Media contact:
Charles Maddison
Media Affairs Officer, Copyright Agency Limited
Phone:02 - 9394 7684 (w)
0417 - 652 613 (m)

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