Digital preservation: project proposal

Subject: Digital preservation: project proposal
Date: ma 20 syys   1999 - 13:22:26 EEST

Dear colleagues,

We have received the following proposal idea. Please feel free to
distribute it to those who might be interested.

Best Regards

Concha Fernandez de la Puente
European Commission


Framework 5

Action Line III 2.4: Digital preservation of cultural heritage

The Cedars project team is seeking partners for a Framework 5 bid.

Cedars (CURL exemplars in digital archives) is a UK funded project
(running since April 1998 and due to end in March 2000). The
project aims to investigate strategies which will ensure that digital
information resources typically included in library collections may,
with other non-digital objects, be preserved over the longer term.
The Cedars project is looking at the strategic, methodological and
practical issues relating to long-term digital preservation, with a
view to providing guidance for libraries in best practice. The project
will be focusing on a limited number of digital formats, but it is
intended that the solutions it proposes will be generalisable across
the full range of digital resources. More information about the
Cedars project can be found at

We are interested in hearing either from potential partners who have
already begun to develop ideas and wish to lead a digital
preservation bid under Action line III 2.4, with whom we might join -
or from partners who do not yet have firm ideas for a bid, but who
have an active interest in digital preservation and would be
interested in joining us. We welcome responses from the library,
museum and archives communities.

Our initial thinking on the possible focus for a bid under this strand
(if none other is already forthcoming) has brought forward the
following ideas:

1) Preservation of what we have called 'digital oral history' -
digital culture that is produced outside the organised infrastructure.
It might include, for example: home videos, journalists'
on-the-ground reports (e.g. E. Europe post 1980).

2) A European equivalent of the Australian PANDORA project:
identifying digital content created as a result of publicly-funded
projects, whose long-term preservation is now at risk, selecting
what should be preserved , how it should be preserved and how
continued access to the material can be assured.

3) Preservation of online journals. A project with this as its focus
would extend and investigate in greater depth some of the work
that is already being done by the Cedars project.

If you are interested in becoming involved in a digital preservation
bid, either as a lead partner or a collaborating partner, please
contact Chris Bailey at:

Cedars and Universe Project Assistant
Email -
Tel - 0113 2336386

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