Subject: NESLI and MCB join forces to offer service to
From: Jennifer Buizer (
Date: to 16 syys 1999 - 10:32:53 EEST
UK Higher Education community
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 1999 17:19:57 +0200
Content-Length: 4607
Sender: owner-ecup-list
Precedence: bulk
September 1999
NESLI and MCB join forces to offer
'Emerald Intelligence + Full text' service to
UK Higher Education community
As a result of successful discussions over recent months, the NESLI Managing
Agent and MCB University Press have reached an agreement for access to the
'Emerald Intelligence + Fulltext' service for UK universities, under the
terms of the National Electronic Site Licence Initiative.
For an annual fee per site, MCB is offering NESLI a two and a half year
agreement, from July 1999 to December 2001, for access to their 'Emerald
Intelligence + Fulltext' database, an online collection of 114 full text
journals and secondary information. The service provides instant access to
more than 20,000 management articles with a fulltext archive stretching back
to 1994. CD-ROMs will be provided automatically to all participating
libraries. All terms of use are covered by the NESLI Model Licence.
Subscribers to this offer are able to pay for access during 1999 in
September of this year, with discounts off the fixed fee per site being
offered in relation to the number of institutions taking part. These
discounts are specific to NESLI, and have been negotiated by the Managing
Agent. In addition, there is the option to purchase print versions at a
discounted rate.
Reg Carr, Chair of the JISC Committee on Electronic Information, Chair of
the NESLI Steering Group and Director of University Library Services at
Oxford University, commented: "This agreement represents another significant
step towards providing Higher Education Institutions with cost-effective
access to a broad range of major electronic journals. We are delighted that
MCB and the NESLI Managing Agent have been successful in offering UK
universities preferential terms for access to these key management research
titles". This agreement compliments the existing successful five year CHEST/
'Emerald Intelligence + Full Text' offer.
Bev Bruce, Director of Academic Customer Relations said: "MCB is delighted
to have reached an agreement with NESLI. This provides our customers with
the purchasing options for electronics that they have been seeking. MCB is
seeking to maximise dissemination of content for authors whilst providing
librarians with liberal licensing policies and by ensuring that published
content is available on every fulltext journal gateway that our customers
and users might require. MCB has been involved in consortia purchasing for
some time and is very pleased to be part of a national electronic licensing
Both the Managing Agent and MCB are delighted that the following important
objectives of the National Electronic Site Licence Initiative have been met
in this Agreement:
* Choice of electronic only access, unrelated to print versions
* Use of the NESLI Model Licence
* Access via a single interface, offering a range of searching,
browsing and alerting functions
Users will be able to access the service either via the dedicated
NESLI/SwetsNet interface or direct to Emerald at MCB. Subscribers will be
able to use the ATHENS system for user authentication. ATHENS allows each
HEI to have one username and password for access to all the electronic
resources to which the institution has arranged access.
NESLI is a three year JISC supported initiative designed to address and
resolve many of the issues of access, price and licensing which currently
exist and prevent widespread take-up of electronic journals in the academic
community. MCB is the fifth publisher to put forward a proposal to NESLI.
Electronic journals from Blackwell Science, Blackwell Publishers, Johns
Hopkins University Press and Elsevier Science are also available to NESLI
MCB University Press is a privately owned company, founded in 1967 by a
group of senior business school academics who were dissatisfied with the
international publishing outlets available for authors. Its continuing
mission is to remain an independent niche publisher of high quality academic
research and applied titles.
Should you require additional information on this Agreement please contact
the NESLI Managing Agent (email:
Further information about the NESLI initiative can be found at the home
Further information about Emerald can be found at:
Note to editors
If you have any questions regarding this press release, please contact Bart
de Gans, Communication Manager at Swets & Zeitlinger BV. Tel: +31 252 435
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