ICOLC Conference for European Consortia

Subject: ICOLC Conference for European Consortia
From: Fred Friend (ucylfjf@ucl.ac.uk)
Date: to 03 kesä   1999 - 16:14:18 EEST


The International Coalition of Library Consortia will be holding a special
conference for European libraries to discuss the purchase of electronic
publications. The conference will be at Cranfield University in the UK on
10 and 11 December 1999. The conference will follow the successful format
of other ICOLC meetings, consisting of presentations from publishers of
particular interest to
European libraries and sharing experience of the formation of library
consortia in various countries in Europe. Representatives from
organizations arranging for the purchase of electronic publications in any
country in the world are invited to attend, whether a consortium purchasing
arrangement already exists or is being considered. The number of delegates
is limited to 80, so early booking
is advised.

The conference will commence at 1 p.m. on Friday 10 December and finish on
the evening of Saturday 11 December. The all-inclusive price of £360 GBP
includes two nights' accommodation (Friday and Saturday nights) with all
meals and mini-bus transportation from Milton Keynes rail
station. Cranfield University is situated about 50 miles north-west of
London, and the accommodation and meetings will be held in a modern
conference hotel, details of which can be found at
http://www.cranfield.ac.uk/som/cmdc/. A mini-bus will take delegates
arriving at Milton Keynes rail station (which has regular fast services
>from London) to the University between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. on Friday, with
return journeys on Sunday morning. A booking form can be found at the end
of this announcement or on the conference
A full conference programme will be issued on the Web pages in due course
and delegates making early bookings for the conference will be invited to
comment on a draft programme.

ICOLC, the International Coalition of Library Consortia, has been
successful in influencing the terms under which vendors offer electronic
publications. Information about the work and membership of ICOLC can be
found at http://www.library.yale.edu/consortia/. Several European
organizations are already in membership of ICOLC and the need was felt for
a conference devoted to the particular interests of European libraries,
although there will be a number of delegates from the United States, Canada
and other countries at the Cranfield conference. Libraries in all countries
of the world are facing similar problems in arranging for the purchase of
electronic publications,
and this conference provides an opportunity to share experience and to
question publishers about their policies.


Friday 10th - Saturday 11th December, 1999


Surname ________________________________(Prof/Dr/Mr/Mrs/Ms)

First name (to appear on badge) ________________________





Telephone no. _________________Fax no_______________

Email address_______________________________________

All inclusive conference fee is £360 including VAT
We regret this is the package price and we cannot offer a daily delegate rate

Special requirements

........Vegetarian diet (Please state if required)
        For any other dietary or access needs, please contact organisers at
        time of booking.

Payment (Please delete as appropriate)

* I enclose a cheque for £360GBP made payable to
        Cranfield University.
        Cheques should be in GB pound sterling drawn on a UK bank.
        We regret we cannot accept cheques in other currencies

* Please invoice my organisation for the conference fee
* FOR OVERSEAS DELEGATES ONLY. Please debit my credit card.
        Complete the form below
        I wish to pay by Visa/Mastercard (please delete as appropriate)

Expiry date Month_________.....Year______

Card No.
/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /

Full name and address of card holder



Please return completed form to:
Norma Cunnington
PA to University Librarian
Kings Norton Library
Cranfield University
Cranfield, Bedfordshire MK43 0AL
Tel: +44(0)1234 754448
Fax: +44(0)1234 752391
Email: Library.Secretariat@Cranfield.ac.uk

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