Subject: 3rd International Public Lending Right Conference
From: Barbara Schleihagen (
Date: ke 14 huhti 1999 - 15:23:11 EEST
3rd International Public Lending Right Conference:
The Right to Culture and a Culture of Rights
1 - 4 October 1999
Ottawa, Canada
Friday, 1 October
6:00 pm Registration
7:00 pm - Opening reception
9:00 pm Words of welcome:
Karleen Bradford, Chair, Public Lending Right Commission
Jean-Louis Roux, Chairman, Canada Council for the Arts
The Honourable Sheila Copps, Minister of Canadian Heritage, to be confirmed
Saturday, 2 October
8:00 am - Registration continues
9:00 am
9:00 am Opening remarks: Marianne Scott, National Librarian
9:15 am First session: Overview of PLR programs worldwide,
developments since 1997, by a participant from each country, highlighting
11:00 am - Coffee break
11:15 am
12:30 pm Lunch
2:00 pm Second session: Progress report on implementation of European
Directive on Rental Right and Lending Right:
Silke von Lewinski (Germany)
3:00 - Coffee break
3:15 pm
3:15 pm- Third session: The status of the writer and PLR in the Americas
4:30 pm Paul Aiken, Authors Guild (U.S.)
Alberto Ruy-Sanchez, writer (Mexico)
7:00 pm Gala reading:
Dionne Brand
Michel Tremblay
Sunday, 3 October
10:00 am Fourth session: Status of the writer and intellectual
propertylegislation and the effect of international laws on PLR:
Denise Boucher, Christopher Maule (Canada)
Silke von Lewinski (Germany)
James Parker (U.K.)
11:00 am - Coffee break
11:15 am
12:30 pm Lunch
2:00 pm Fifth session: New media and PLR. An information/progress
André Beemsterboer (The Netherlands)
Ken Jensen (Canada)
2:45 pm - Coffee break
3:00 pm
3:00 pm Sixth session: Arguments for strengthening PLR:
Paul Bootes (Australia)
C.H. Henriksen (Denmark)
4:00 pm - Conference summary: Beatriz Zeller (Canada)
4:45 pm Next steps: James Parker (U.K.)
Closing remarks: André Roy (Canada)
7:00 pm Banquet, Canadian Museum of Civilization
Keynote speaker: Alberto Manguel
Monday, 4 October:
10:30 am Visit to PLR and Canada Council for the Arts offices
11:30 am Bus tour and lunch in Gatineau Hills
Simultaneous translation in English and French will be provided for all
conference sessions.
The conference will take place at the National Library of Canada, 395
Wellington Street, Ottawa, Ontario. The Sunday evening banquet will be held
in the First People’s Hall of the Canadian Museum of Civilization, 100
Laurier Street, Hull, Quebec.
We have made a block reservation at the Albert at Bay Suite Hotel, 435
Albert Street, tel.: (613) 238-8858, or e-mail: for
the nights of 30 September to 4 October 1999 inclusive. The hotel is
situated three blocks south of the National Library. The two-bedroom
suites are $179 per night, the one-bedroom $119. When you make your
booking, please specify that you are attending the 3rd International PLR
The Ottawa International Airport is located 15 kilometres south of the
downtown core. Taxis, airport buses and car rentals are available. There
is underground parking at the hotel at a cost of $9 per day.
The conference is being organized by the Public Lending Right (PLR)
Commission. For further information contact Gwen Hoover, Executive
Secretary, PLR Commission at:
Public Lending Right Commission
350 Albert Street
P.O. Box 1047
Ottawa, Ontario K1P 5V8
For further information, contact us at (613) 566-4378, fax us at (613)
566-4418, or e-mail us at
The deadline for registration and receipt of payment is 31 May 1999.
The conference fee of CAN$200 includes the following: all conference
papers, Friday evening reception, 3 lunches (2, 3 and 4 October), all
coffee breaks, Saturday evening readings, Sunday evening banquet, Monday
Barbara Schleihagen, Director
Heidi Hogan, EU Policy Officer
P.O. Box 43300
NL-2504 AH The Hague
Tel: +31-70-309 06 08
Fax: +31-70-309 07 08
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