Subject: Second issue of the NEDLIB News Sheet released
From: Titia van der Werf (
Date: to 25 maalis 1999 - 16:27:37 EET
NEDLIB News Sheet, issue n.2, March 1999 has been released.
In this issue you are updated on the progress made by the NEDLIB
project and linked to the project results and working papers,
for more detailed information.
In this issue special attention is paid to initiatives
taken by deposit libraries to involve the ICT-industry in the
building of their digital deposit systems:
* Margaret E. Phillips elaborates on the "Endeavours of the
National Library of Australia to involve IT-vendors with the
building of our digital deposit system;
* Lex Sijtsma writes about the "European tender for a Deposit of
Electronic Publications in the Netherlands".
Finally we have interesting extracts from a report written by
Genevieve Clavel and Elena Balzardi about the IFLA workshop on
"Legal Deposit of Electronic Materials", held in August 1998.
The NEDLIB project News Sheets are issued twice a year.
They are made available through the NEDLIB web-site at:
They are announced via several discussion-lists.
NEDLIB is a project promoted by the CoBRA+ group and supported by the
Telematics for Libraries Programme of the European Commission. The project
consortium includes nine European national libraries, a National Archive
and three main publishers. The objective of NEDLIB is to ensure that
digital publications of the present can be used now and in the future.
The project started in January 1998. The project will define an
architecture for capturing, preserving and accessing digital
publications. It will develop tools and define standards and procedures
required to implement this architecture in a deposit system of digital
publications. NEDLIB will take account of the requirement of long term
storage and retrieval as well as the terms and conditions applying to the
access of those publications. As a result, the project will define the
technical environment and develop test implementations.
*** (This message has been cross-posted to several international
library- and archive-related lists. Apologies if you receive this message
more than once.) ***
NEDLIB contact point
Titia van der Werf
Library research
Koninklijke Bibliotheek
National Library of the Netherlands
The Hague
tel : +31 70-3140467
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