STM programme seminar Washington 22/23 April

Subject: STM programme seminar Washington 22/23 April
From: STM (
Date: ti 23 maalis 1999 - 17:58:45 EET

preliminary program - 2nd announcement

STM Publishing in the Digital Age:
The end or the beginning?
An STM Information Sharing Seminar organized by the STM Standing Committees
Thursday, 22 and Friday, 23 April 1999

To be held at the World Bank,
1818 H Street, NW, 20433 Washington DC, USA

Thursday, 22 April 1999

09.00 Registration and coffee
I Introduction -- Setting the Scene
Moderator: Robert Campbell (Blackwell Science)
Opening and introduction to the seminar Robert Campbell, Chairman STM

Welcome and introduction to the World Bank
Mark M. Brown, Vice President External Affairs

First keynote address, setting the tune with a (personal) vision on the
digital information future (speaker to be invited)
11.15 Coffee break
II Preparing for the Future
Moderator: Joel Baron (New England Journal of Medicine)

New technology for new concepts
Ed Pentz, Academic Press

News and update on Metadata, DOI
Norman Paskin, Director International DOI Foundation

New concepts “window” on the future
Dick Brass, Vice President Technology, Microsoft

New people for new concepts
John Jarvis, John Wiley UK
13.15 Lunch

III The Market
Moderator: Pieter Gispen (Brill Academic Publishers)

The future of the STM market and the new role of librarians and publishers
Eugenie Prime, Manager of the Corporate Libraries, Hewlett Packard

A chemist’s view of the e-publication marketplace
Steve Bachrach, Professor of Chemistry, Editor-in-Chief Internet Journal of
Chemistry, Univ. of Northern Illinois

An outsider’s look on the market
John Kador, Journalist

The development of European markets - the 5th framework program and EU
digital library projects 1999-2002
Arnoud de Kemp, Springer Verlag
16.00 Tea

IV Knowledge Management and Partnership on Transfer of Information
Moderator: Bob Bovenschulte (American Chemical Society)

Library automation systems
Vinod Chacra, President VTLS, (library systems vendor) Blackburgh, VA)

The Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition (SPARC)
Rick Johnson, Enterprise Director SPARC: An initiative of the Association
of Research Libraries (ARL)

Archiving and preservation of E-content
Deanna Marcum, Director of Council on Library Information Research
18.00 Discussion and closure day one
19.00 - 22.00 cocktails and dinner

“what is a publication” Ellis Rubinstein, Science

Friday, 23 April 1999
08.30 Coffee
V Copyright & Legal Issues in E-publishing
Moderator: Kathleen Bursley (Harcourt Brace)

Brief update on new EU and US copyright legislation
Charles Clark and Kathleen Bursley

Key issues in E-Commerce
Charles Clark

Distance learning
Bonnie Liebermann , John Wiley & Sons
10.30 Coffee Break
VI STM Publishing Opportunities in Developing and Transition Countries
Moderator: Dirk Köhler (World Bank)

Creating a global network for distance learning - role of the World Bank
Anna Stahmer, Manager Distance Learning, Economic Development Institute,
World Bank

Educational and scholarly publishing in East-Africa
Chief Victor Nwankwo, Publisher, Fourth Dimension Publishing Company,
Enugu, Nigeria
Henry Chakawa, Publisher, East Africa Educational Publishers Ltd., Nairobi,

Educational and scholarly publishing in South Asia
Mohiuddin Ahmed, Managing Director, University Pres Ltd., Dhaka, Bangladesh

Scholarly publishing in Russia
Oleg Zimarin, Director, Ves Mir Publishers, Moscow

13.00 Lunch
Open STM copyright committee meeting to be held during lunch pause
VII New Product and Service Opportunities
Moderator: Jeffrey Smith (Kluwer Academic Publishers)

The Music Creators Experience
Mark Isherwood, Director New Technology, Music Alliance
New formats and getting information to the user
Bill Dettmer, Vice President Publisher Relations, Ovid

Second keynote address, supplying knowledge to the clinician
Kenneth Shine, MD, President Institute of Medicine, Washington DC


VIII Conclusions
Arnoud de Kemp (Springer-Verlag)
Summary, wrap-up and conclusions Arnoud de Kemp
16.30 Closure: End of Seminar

Programme also available at:
Registration form to be returned to STM Secretariat, Muurhuizen 165,
3811 EG Amersfoort, The Netherlands,
fax: +31 33 4656538 / e-mail:

No refund possible after 1 April 1999
Registration fee does not include accommodation

Publishing House:
Fax / tel. no.:

 wishes to register for ”STM In the Digital Age” 22/23 April 1999
        Washington, DC
 his/her registration fee
         NLG 985.00 (US$ 525.00) for members of STM, AAP/PSP
         NLG 1150.00 (US$ 610.00) for non-members
 An invoice to be sent which will be paid on receipt
 wishes to reserve a room in the Washington Marriott, 1221 22nd Street,
Washington DC 20037 (tel +1 202 872 1500)
        special rate: $ 189.00 (singles/doubles)
        date of arrival:
        date of departure:

date: signature:

STM Secretariat
Muurhuizen 165
3811 EG Amersfoort
The Netherlands
telephone: +31 33 465 60 60
fax: +31 33 465 65 38

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