Call for tenders for INFO 2000 preparatory activity studies

Subject: Call for tenders for INFO 2000 preparatory activity studies
From: Barbara Schleihagen (
Date: ke 24 maalis 1999 - 08:31:07 EET

Dear list members,

The European Commission, Directorate General XIII, has published a call for
tenders to prepare the activities of a follow-on programme to INFO 2000.
This is aimed to stimulate the development of a European multimedia-content
industry and to encourage the use of multimedia content in the emerging
Information Society.

The tender consists of fourt distinct studies (lots):

- Access to capital to the content industries in Europe (lot 1)
- Commercial exploitation of Europe's public sector information (lot 2)
- Export potential and linguistic customization of digital content products
and services (lot 3)
- The assessment of the impact on the marketplace of the INFO 2000
programme (lot 4)

Please note that the deadline for requesting tender documents is 10 April

For further information and tender documents please contact:

European Commission
Call for tender SPICE-PREP
EUFO 1267
rue Alcide de Gasperi
L-2920 Luxembourg
Fax: +352 4301 34019

The call for tenders was published in Official Journal S 48 of 10 March 1999.

Kind regards,

Heidi Hogan
EU Policy Officer

Barbara Schleihagen, Director
Heidi Hogan, EU Policy Officer
P.O. Box 43300
NL-2504 AH The Hague
Tel: +31-70-309 06 08
Fax: +31-70-309 07 08

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