Re: copyright, music and performance

Subject: Re: copyright, music and performance
From: Eamon Fennessy (
Date: ma 22 maalis 1999 - 17:35:11 EET

For Guy Gazit, University of Tel-Aviv, Israel: Re use of musical pieces in
your movie. Let me know: 1. which piece of music you wish to use, 2. the
audience for the movie (its anticipated size and location for viewing), 3.
how it will be used (background music for a dramatic or comedic scene, a
dance scene, etc), 4. the composer, 5. whether there will be a charge for
the performance, and 6. whether the movie will be produced by a for-profit
or not-for-profit production company. We at The Copyright Group arrange
permissions for the global use of protected works for videos, movies, print,
and the electronic use of copyrighted materials. Let's see whether we can
help you.

Eamon T. Fennessy
The Copyright Group
P.O. Box 5496
Beverly Farms, MA 01915, USA

Phone & FAX (978) 927 9936
At 11:23 AM 3/22/99 +0200, you wrote:
>My name is Guy Gazit, and I'm a cinematography student in the University of
>Tel-Aviv, Israel.
>I've been wanting to clear matters of copyrights for the use of a certain
>classical piece in a movie I made, and also issue copyrights on my creation
>for that matter...
>However, the proper Israely authorities dealing with such matter seems to
>have problems with the certain music and performance, and now I'm "stuck in
>mid-air" not knowing what to do...
>Is there anyway in which I can get the permission to use the performance
>without being sued?
>(my movie is about to be sent to several silm festivals all over the world,
>and might need clearance to be shown on regional TV).
>I'll be most gratefull should you assist me with an answer, or direct me to
>someone who might have one for me.
>Many thanks in advance,
>Guy Gazit.
>Barbara Schleihagen, Director
>Heidi Hogan, EU Policy Officer
>P.O. Box 43300
>NL-2504 AH The Hague
>Tel: +31-70-309 06 08
>Fax: +31-70-309 07 08

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