Third Metadata Workshop

Subject: Third Metadata Workshop
From: Barbara Schleihagen (
Date: to 11 maalis 1999 - 17:45:02 EET

This is the announcement for the Third Metadata Workshop and
Concertation Meeting being organised under the auspices of the
European Commission DGXIII/E2.

The Workshop will take place in the Conference room in the
EuroForum building, rue Robert Stumper, zone Cloche d'Or, in
Luxembourg on:

Monday 12 APRIL 1999 from 9:30 to 16:30.

The objectives of this meeting, which is part of an on-going
concertation activity started in 1997, are:
- to present recent developments around the Dublin Core metadata
element set and look at future directions
- to present RDF and XML and look at the practical consequences
for metadata implementation
- to look at issues related to unique identifiers for electronic
- to discuss metadata issues related to long-term availability of

The intended audience for this Workshop are people responsible for
or working on practical implementations of metadata, particularly as applied
to describing the record of scientific, intellectual and cultural activity.

Attendance in the workshop is free of charge; however,
participants will have to cover their own travel and subsistence
cost. If you are involved in a project funded by the European
Commission, it might be possible that attending this meeting can
be funded through your budget for concertation meetings. If in
doubt, please contact your Project Officer.

The general outline of the programme is as follows:


Session 1: Beyond Dublin Core 1.0 - incorporating new requirements

In the last six months, discussions have been taking place between
the Dublin Core community and communities of authors, rights
holders and publishers, seeking common ground in the expression of
metadata for information resources. This session will report on
progress and provide the opportunity to discuss the implications
of these developments.

Confirmed speaker: Godfrey Rust (Data Definitions/INDECS project)


Session 2: RDF and XML - theory and practice

The Resource Description Framework (RDF) represents a
cross-industry and expert community agreement on a wide range of
features for using and providing metadata on the Web. The
Extensible Markup Language (XML) is a data format for structured
document interchange on the Web. Both RDF and XML are important
for implementations of metadata. The session will outline some of
the concepts underlying RDF and XML, as well as describing
practical experience in their use.

Confirmed speakers: Dan Brickley (Institute for Learning and
Research Technology, Bristol University) and Winfried Mühl
(Göttingen Digitization Center)


Session 3: Metadata and identifiers

Electronic resources need to be uniquely identified. A range of
identifiers exists or is being developed to meet this requirement.
The session will address the various types of identifiers and their
characteristics. An example related to integration with a national
bibliography will be given.

Confirmed speakers: Norman Paskin (International DOI Foundation),
Juha Hakala (Helsinki University Library) and Leif Andresen
(Danish National Library Authority)


Session 4: Metadata for preservation

There is a growing awareness that metadata has an important role
in digital resource management, including preservation.
Preservation strategies are needed for deposit libraries defining
requirements for the metadata. This session will address some of
the functional and practical issues.

Confirmed speakers: Titia van der Werf (Royal Library Netherlands)
and Michael Day (UK Office for Library and Information Networking)


Please indicate your intention to participate by the attached form
to Odete Barreirinho ( or fax
+352 4301 33530 before 19 March. For practical reasons,
participation is limited to 50 people. We will confirm your
participation by the 22nd of March by e-mail. Formal invitations
will be sent with the final agenda at the end of March.

This mailing is being sent to co-ordinators of projects addressing
metadata, people who have participated in previous workshops, and
other contacts that we think are relevant. If you receive this
message and consider this announcement to be more appropriate for
others in your project or organisation, please forward this

Information on the first two Metadata Workshops is available on
the Web:

First Workshop 1-2 December 1997:
Second Workshop 26 June 1998:


Registration form Third Metadata Workshop 12 April 1999 Luxembourg


Name: ........................................

Project name: ........................................

Organisation: ........................................

Address: ........................................

Telephone: ........................................
Fax: ........................................

E-mail: ........................................


Please return before 19 March to:

Odete Barreirinho
fax: +352 4301 33530


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