Subject: Second Announcement ElPubī99
From: Peter Linde (
Date: ti 09 maalis 1999 - 12:32:50 EET
(This message is cross-posted to several lists - Apologies for possible
duplicate postings!)
It is now time to register for ICCC/IFIP Third Conference on Electronic
Publishing 1999
University of Karlskrona/Ronneby, Sweden
10th - 12th May 1999
The ICCC (International Council for Computer Communications) in
conjunction with IFIP (International Federation for Information
Processing) is pleased to announce the Third ICCC/IFIP Conference on
Electronic Publishing to be held in Ronneby, Sweden 10-12 May 1999. The
title of this year's conference is Electronic Publishing '99 -
Redefining the Information Chain - New Ways and Voices.
The conference will be concerned with electronic publishing both for
specialist audiences and for the general public. There will be two
parallel tracks. The first track will include case studies,
presentations of projects and presentations of implemented electronic
publishing in public and scholarly libraries, publishers, museums, etc.
It will also include electronic provision of local community or tourist
information, government information, and the like. The second track will
concentrate on technical issues such as file formats, retrieval issues,
Panel Debate
There will also be two Panel Debates that we hope will engage both
speakers and delegates. The theme of the first debate is: "Electronic
Publishing year 2010 - a global perspective: What has happened and what
will happen!?". The debaters include:
David Seaman, Founding Director Electronic Text Center, University of
Virginia, USA;
Ann Okerson, Associate University Librarian for Collections Development
and Management Yale University, USA;
Massimo Garribba, DG XIII/E, Information Society: Research and Markets,
assistant to the Director, European Commission, Luxembourg
The theme of the second debate is: "Electronic Publishing in the service
of democracy". !?". The debaters include:
Jack Meadows, Prof. Dept of Information and Library Studies Loughborough
University, UK;
Ana Maria Cetto, Research professor at the Institute of Physics,
National University of Mexico (UNAM);
Kemal Bakarsic, Ph.D. Assistant Professor, Head of Department for
Librarianship,University of Sarajevo
A major underlying theme of the ICCC/IFIP Electronic Publishing
conferences is the promotion of an 'exchange of experience' between the
participants - especially between academics researching in the area, and
publishers and others
with practical experience. All papers are refereed to ensure high
Keynote speaker
We are particularly pleased to welcome our invited speaker: David Seaman
(Founding Director of the Electronic Text Center, University of
Virginia, USA)
Target audience
The Conference is aimed at anyone involved in the production, provision
or use of Electronic Publishing and/or its products, or the academic
study of these activities. This includes (but is not limited to):
publishers, providers of net services; providers of support services for
e-publishing; information professionals; librarians; information
consultants; all academics in information and publishing studies; and
others with an interest in any aspect of e-publishing and the provision
of public information.
A truly international Conference
We already have speakers from 16 countries and expect delegates from
even more.
We have speakers from: Australia, Bosnia- Herzegovina, Brazil, Finland,
Germany, Hong Kong, Hungary, Lithuania, Macedonia, Mexico, Portugal,
Russia, Spain, Sweden, UK, and the USA
Conference language
The working language of the Conference is English.
Advance Programme text, timetable and Registration Form is now available
at the conference website:
Welcome to Ronneby?!!!
Peter Linde
Chairman of the Programme Committee
University of Karlskrona/Ronneby
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