Subject: new on-line law journal
From: Tanya Aplin (
Date: ke 20 tammi 1999 - 07:35:26 EET
*Apologies for any cross-postings*
The Asia Pacific Intellectual Property Law Institute at Murdoch University
is pleased to announce its launch of the Digital Technology Law Journal at
The Digital Technology Law Journal is an on-line periodical that publishes
refereed articles, comments and reviews on intellectual property law issues
concerning the digital environment.
Below is the table of contents for the first issue:
* Internet Service Provider Liability for Moral Rights Infringement in
Australia, Tanya Aplin
* Regulating Speech on the Internet, Michael Blakeney and Fiona Macmillan
* Australian proposals for copyright reform: some unresolved issues and
some lessons from America, Mark J Davison
* Internet Domain Names and Trade Mark Law, Michael Handler
* What is a `Substantial Part'?: Digital samples: cut- and-pasting and
section 14 of the Australian Copyright Act 1968, Anna Thuc-Anh Tran
* Comment on conference: `Copyright, Media and Digital Technology', Rafi
* Comment on published papers for: `Software Patents in Europe: meeting the
challenges of harmonisation and development in Europe', Dr Philip Leith
* Review of Susskind, R, The Future of Law: Facing the Challenges of
Information Technology, (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1996), David Bausor
Contributions are sought for the second issue of DTLJ and the deadline for
submissions is 31 March 1999.
Tanya Aplin
Senior Research Fellow
Asia Pacific Intellectual Property Law Institute
School of Law - Murdoch University
Murdoch, Western Australia 6150
Tel: + 61 8 9360 6071
Fax: + 61 8 9310 6671
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