Subject: CECUP info
From: Tuula Haavisto (
Date: to 21 tammi 1999 - 12:15:37 EET
Dear colleagues
The CECUP project, Central and Eastern European Copyright User Platform,
has been running for half a year. The partners are EBLIDA and ten library
associations in the ten accessing countries (Bulgaria, the three Baltic
countries, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and
Slovenia). I am the project manager. The financing comes from the
Telematics for Libraries programme, and the project will end in December
The platform has now been established, including good contacts between the
associations and the project management. There is a very active Steering
Group, composed of representantatives of all the ten countries and all
types of libraries. It had its first meeting in Ljubljana in October, and
will meet again in Bratislava in March, 1999.
The first State-of-the-Art report, "Copyright and libraries in the ten
C&EE countries", is near to be published. The background material for the
report are the answers to the questionnaire sent to the associations, and
the English translations of the ten copyright laws. There have been some
difficulties in getting all the law texts in English, and even then it has
come out that they are not very easy to compare. Some of the laws
originate from the 60'ies when tradition to write laws was quite difficult
compared with present "standard" copyright laws. Anyway, it is an
extremely interesting material to study.
On 4 December the first CECUP workshop in Vilnius, Lithuania, was
organized. It was an encouraging experience. There were 60 participants, a
good simultaneous interpretation and a very active attitude. The
Lithuanian Librarians' Association had applied and received from the Open
Society Foundation (the Soros foundation) financial support for
translations, interpretation, and even for the travels and lunch of the
participants. The Soros foundation is an important co-operation partner
for CECUP in other C&EE countries as well.
The second workshop was held in Ljubljana, Slovenia, on 14-15 January. For
the audience of 120 (!) librarians the most intresting part of the CECUP
information was the EU copyright directive draft and the alternative
wordings suggested by EBLIDA and libraries. Due to the detailed character
of the Slovenian copyright law, its' consequences to daily library work
were discussed actively.
In both workshops librarians discussed about forming a copyright group and
reaching a more visible role in copyright matters. In Lithuania such a
decision has already been made.
The seven next workshops will be held during the Spring and the last one
in Poland in September.
During the project contacts with publishers will be made as well. One of
the topics in the next Steering Group meeting will be to discuss which
publishers should be involved. If possible, also one or two subscription
agents and, were appropriate, representatives of rights management
organisations in C&EE countries, should attend the meeting with rights
owners towards the end of the project.
CECUP will soon launch its own web site with close links to the ECUP web
In case you have questions, please don't hesitate to contact me!
Tuula Haavisto
Tuula Haavisto
CECUP Project Manager
e-mail c/o Virtual Office
mobile tel. +358 - 40 - 568 9396 Haemeentie 153 B
In Finland 040 - 568 9396 FIN-00560 Helsinki
faxes: +358 - 9 - 560 70 550 Finland
and 560 70 554
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