Electronic Signatures Directive: First Reading

Subject: Electronic Signatures Directive: First Reading
From: Barbara Schleihagen (Eblida@nblc.nl)
Date: ma 18 tammi  1999 - 13:31:27 EET

Dear list subscribers,

Voting on 13 January 1999 on the report by German Green member Wolfgang
Ullmann on the draft Directive on a "common framework for electronic
signatures", the European Parliament amended in first reading the draft
Directive which was presented by the European Commission last June. This
was done to strengthen especially the consumer elements and the protection
of privacy.

The aim of the Directive is to contribute to the establishment within the
EU of a harmonised legal framework that guarantees electronic signatures
the same legal recognition as handwirtten signatures, and to facilitate
cross-boder recognition of signatures. The Commission noted that the lack
of security for electronic networks is one of the major obstacles to the
rapid development of electronic commerce. Electronic signatures would allow
the receiver of electronically transmitted data to verify the origin of
data and to ensure that they are complete and unchanged.

The rapporteur stated that the general approach of the Commission is good
mainly because it places emphasis on the flexibility needed in this field.
The rapporteur was pleased that the proposed Directive is "technologically
neutral and open to authentification meansures other than key cryptography".

The text of the Ullmann report - A4-0507/98 is available at:

Best wishes,
Barbara Schleihagen

Barbara Schleihagen, Director
Heidi Hogan, EU Policy Officer
P.O. Box 43300
NL-2504 AH The Hague
Tel: +31-70-309 06 08
Fax: +31-70-309 07 08
email: eblida@nblc.nl

Barbara Schleihagen, Director
Heidi Hogan, EU Policy Officer
P.O. Box 43300
NL-2504 AH The Hague
Tel: +31-70-309 06 08
Fax: +31-70-309 07 08
email: eblida@nblc.nl

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