Subject: Thanks to you all!
From: Emanuella Giavarra (
Date: to 14 tammi 1999 - 15:18:46 EET
Dear list members,
Today is the last day of the ECUP+ Concerted Action. It is also my last
day as ECUP+ Project Director. I would like to thank all of you for
making ECUP+ a success. I would like to thank specially, Ariane Iljon
and Robbert Fisher of the European Commission and Barbara Schleihagen of
EBLIDA for their trust in me and their endless enthusiasm for the
As you all know the ECUP web site and the ecup-list will continue for at
least a year. EBLIDA has kindly offered to keep the ECUP web site alive
and Barbara Schleihagen will take over as the moderator of the
I really enjoyed doing the ECUP+ Concerted Action. It is nice to see
that the amount of energy put in a project bears fruit. Copyright and
licensing issues are now put firmly in the minds of librarians in
As I told you many times, copyright is my passion! This means that I
will continue in the area of copyright and licensing as a partner in a
law firm (barristers chambers). The Chambers of Mark Watson-Gandy has
offices in London and Amsterdam. I will be working at both offices. My
new email is:
Please note that the email address will be
closed from tomorrow onwards.
I would like to wish you all a Happy New Year and I hope that 1999 will
be a fruitful year for co-operation between librarians and publishers.
With all best wishes,
Emanuella Giavarra
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