Grey Literature Network merge with publishers

Subject: Grey Literature Network merge with publishers
From: Claire Jones (
Date: ti 22 joulu  1998 - 18:42:21 EET

Dear List Members,

I thought the following snippet would be of interest to some of you:

Grey Literature Network Service merged with MCB University Press

On 30 October 1998, final agreement was reached for the merger and
integration of GreyNet into MCB-UP. GreyNet will continue with its
operations in Amsterdam (NL), headed up by Dr Dominic Farace.

GreyNet brings a new dimension to MCB's information dissemination
activities. The merger secures the Fourth International Conference on Grey
Literature (GL'99), and the further development of GreyNet's services. The
first example is the launch of an International Journal on Grey Literature
during 1999.

With GreyNet as facilitator and MCB as electronic publishing body, more new
information resources will also be made available. It is believed that this
will be welcomed by the producers and users of grey literature; and
librarians and information professionals, who recognize the value of grey
literature as an information resource.

MCB University Press

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