Subject: future of ECUP+
From: Barbara Schleihagen (
Date: pe 11 joulu 1998 - 16:48:48 EET
Dear list subscriber,
As ECUP+ is coming to an end on 14 January 1999, you might be interested in
EBLIDA's future plans to keep the copyright and licensing awareness and
debate lively and fruitful. (EBLIDA is the coordinator of the ECUP+
concerted action which is directed and managed by Emanuella Giavarra.)
Apart from the many useful documents like the ECUP Position Paper or the
Heads of Agreements or the Licensing Warning List, the following services
have been offered under ECUP+:
1. 14 copyright workshops and 10 expert meetings in all EU Member States
2. A website containing a wealth of information on copyright and licensing
3. A copyright discussion list (ecup-list)
4. Advise on copyright problems for EBLIDA members and EU libraries projects
5. ECUP Steering group meetings (2-3 per year)
6. Numerous papers and presentations at conferences
7. Meetings with rightholders to discuss library position and negotiations
on licenses
In order to keep up awareness and activities in copyright and licensing
issues, the following re-positioning actions were agreed upon by the EBLIDA
Executive Committee at its last meeting on 10 October 1998 in Athens:
A1. The EBLIDA library lobby work within the European institutions in
connection with the new EU Copyright Directive, cooperation with other user
groups in EFPICC as well as exchange of views on new developments in US,
Canada or Australia including liaison with the IFLA Copyright and Legal
Affairs Committee continues to be performed by EBLIDA’s director Barbara
Re 1. To continue to organise once a year in cooperation with national
library associations a copyright/licenses conference to inform members in
detail about latest developments and to offer a forum for discussion and
exchange of views (examples: Copenhagen conference February 1998, Rome
conference November 1998).
Re 2. To agree with the European Commission - that holds all copyrights on
the project’s achievements and results - that EBLIDA can continue to
maintain and update the ECUP+ website. EBLIDA will employ a part-time
assistant who will be made responsible for the maintenance of the copyright
and licensing website, which will be enlarged to cover also C&EE country
Re 3. To review the maintenance of the discussion list. Although it
functions mainly as a list for information on new developments which can
easily be taken over by the internal eblida-list, subscribers to the
ecup-list come from all different areas of the information chain, and the
list could be used for wider dissemination of EBLIDA activities, interim
results of the TECUP (licensing) and CECUP (C&EE copyright platform)
projects and further discussion of the EBLIDA/ECUP/STM Joint Statement.
Re 4. To conclude with Emanuella Giavarra a contract for some days each
month to act as legal adviser to EBLIDA during 1999. This will support the
maintenance of the website, enable the EBLIDA secretariat to seek legal
advise and to make use of her expertise with licensing contracts.
Re 5. To set up an EBLIDA copyright expert committee consisting ideally of
one expert each from each member state that continues to meet regularly
(2-3 times a year). The establishment of such a committee will facilitate
the exchange of information, will enhance coordination of activities on
national and European level and will establish and/or strengthen the link
with national administrations in charge of libraries, museums and archives.
EBLIDA will set up a closed discussion list for the copyright expert
committee to provide regular up-to-date information.
Re 6. The director of EBLIDA will continue to give papers on copyright and
latest developments in the EU Copyright Directive in different countries.
The CECUP project manager Tuula Haavisto will give papers at ten workshops
in C&EE countries during the course of 1999.
Re 7. Meetings within the framework of the informal “Bloomsbury Set” will
continue during the course of 1999. EBLIDA will provide funding for its
legal adviser to attend these meetings.
Best wishes,
Barbara Schleihagen
Barbara Schleihagen, Director
Heidi Hogan, EU Policy Officer
P.O. Box 43300
NL-2504 AH The Hague
Tel: +31-70-309 06 08
Fax: +31-70-309 07 08
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