Subject: Accessing culture: the new digital ecology - workshop at IST98
From: Emanuella Giavarra (
Date: ti 06 loka 1998 - 18:22:04 EEST
Dear list members,
DGXIII/E-4, Libraries Sector, is organising during the IST98 conference
a workshop on 'Accessing culture: the new digital ecology' on 2 December
1998 in Vienna. (
Europe's acquired cultural wealth is held in and accessed through the
key cultural institutions - libraries, museums and archives. It is a
rich resource for citizens, for scholarship, and for the creation of new
content. Digital libraries and their technologies create new
opportunities and challenges to unlock and add value to a previously
hidden resource.
The workshop will focus on the enabling technologies for providing and
managing digital content, on infrastructures for developing new forms of
access for the citizen, and on the alliances needed to exploit these
resources fully and creatively.
Overall goal
To encourage partnerships, between cultural organisations, and with
industrial and private sector actors.
Topics and speakers
Chairman: Manfred C. Kaufmann, Museum of Ethnology, Austria
Keynote speech on enabling technologies.
Professor Dr. Erich J. Neuhold, GMD-IPSI (Integrated Publication and
Information Systems Institute), Germany.
Topic 1 New models for content provision. A. Michard, ERCIM-EEIG,
Topic 2 Challenges for digital preservation. Johannes Hofman,
Programmabureau Digitale Duurzaamheid, The Netherlands.
Practical example for topic 1 & 2: Virtual Museums of Information
Technologies. Kurt Bandat and Chris Stary, University of Linz, Austria.
Topic 3 Networking cultural services to the citizens: interoperability,
metadata, new services. David Kay, Fretwell-Downing Informatics Ltd,
Topic 4 Adding value to content and to services. Exploitation and
alliances. Marco Bergometti, Giunti Multimedia, Italy.
Practical example for topics 3 & 4: ONE-2, Walter Koch, Joanneum
Research Forschungsgesellschaft mbH, Austria.
Workshop co-ordinator:
European Commission
Pat Manson
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