Subject: New online ISSN database
Date: ma 21 syys 1998 - 12:19:46 EEST
Please apologize for cross-posting!
You'll find above a brandnew information about the new ISSN online
database, which can be very useful for identifying serials (print +
electronic), and for enriching your own databases. Thanks for your
Swiss National Library
BRODARD Marie-Christine
Swiss ISSN Centre
Hallwylstrasse 15, CH - 3003 BERN
Phone: +41(0)31 322 89 23; Fax: +41(0)31 322 84 63
> ============================================
> The ISSN Register was already available on CD-ROM (ISSN Compact) :
> Online is now (as from August 1998 ) one of the fundamental
> bibliographic
> resources available over the Web.
> The ISSN Register is a comprehensive tool which can be used for
> several
> purposes :
> - world-wide bibliographic searches on serial publications
> - cataloguing (records can be do wnloaded and re-used for specific
> purposes)
> - constitution of controlled authority files based on ISSN (database
> management)
> The ISSN (International Standard Serial Number) is universally
> as the prime means of identifying serials (journals, magazines,
> periodicals of any kind), a vital first step for the management of the
> articles or contributions they contain. Its use is essential throughout
> the information chain, from publisher (and from the author of every
> single contribution or articl e) to the reader, through document delivery
> utilities, abstracting and indexing services, subscription agents,
> libraries, unio n catalogues, newsagents...., for the efficient
> management of research, ordering and cataloguing.
> To date, some 900,000 seri als published in 180 countries have been
> registered and have had an ISSN (International Standard Serial
> assigned. The ISSN network, an intergovernmental organization, is
> based
> in 67 National Centres which obtain data at source in the framework o f
> national bibliographies and legal deposit. Each year, it identifies more
> than 40,000 publications.
> The ISSN International Centre in Paris, which is responsible for the
> coordination of the network, registers itself titles published by
> international institutions (United Nations, Unesco, OECD, European
> Community...) and international associations (scientific unions, learned
> societies, etc.) i.e. currently more than 13,000 titles.
> The sustained growth of electronic serials is reflected in ISSN Onl ine.
> More and more e-serials (whether online or on different magnetic or
> optical media) are being added to the ISSN Register.
> ISSN Online is updated frequently (at least on a monthly basis). Each
> month some 4,000 new records are added to the ISSN Reg ister and
> thousands of amendments and corrections are input. All the additions
> the ISSN Register may be searched and browse d separately.
> ISSN Online is a truly multilingual database : some 150 different
> languages are represented in the ISSN Regist er. Non Latin scripts are
> transliterated into the Latin alphabet according to the corresponding
> ISO standards. Special charact ers and diacritics are rendered through
> Unicode characters and displayed on most available browsers.
> ISSN Online is availabl e to all Internet users on a free trial basis.
> The trial period expires after one month, during which up to 40 search
> requests may be launched, 400 records visualised and 10 records
> downloaded (in their original ISO 2709 exchange format). Just fill up
> the trial request form ( and you
> will receive your temporary password by e-mail.
> ISSN Online is available on a subscription basis, either yearly or
> monthly. Please refer to the subscription page
> (http://www.issn. org/onlineprice.html) for more information.
> For more information about ISSN Online, please contact us at the
> following addre ss :
> Your comments and suggestions will be highly appreciated.
> The team of the ISSN International Centre
> ************************************************************
> ISSN-L mailing list / Forum du reseau ISSN :
> Internal ISSN Web site / Site Web interne du reseau ISSN :
> ISSN International Centre / Cen tre international de l'ISSN
> 20 rue Bachaumont, 75002 Paris, France
> Web pages / Pages sur la Toile :
> ?.html
> tel : (33 1) 44 88 22 20
> fax : (33 1) 40 26 32 43
> ================================================
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