Subject: Europeans top media mergers and acquisitions list
From: Emanuella Giavarra (
Date: to 30 heinä 1998 - 16:18:15 EEST
FINANCIAL TIMES, John Gapper 29 July 1998
European media groups took part in 72% of all mergers and acquisitions
in the media sector around the world during the first half, according to
a report by the investment bank Broadview.
European groups were involved in 393 deals worth $37.1bn, from a global
total of $51.7bn, compared with $33.2bn in the same period of 1997.
Several of the largest transactions involved deals in specialist
Boadview said European companies had demonstrated a strong position in
the global media industry, in contrast to information technology and
telecommunications, where most of the valuable deals involved US groups.
It said that the acquisition of the specialist publishing business of
Simon & Schuster by Pearson, the owner of the Financial Times for $4.6bn
showed the growing focus among European publishers on the US market.
Overall, it said merger and acquisitions transactions in the
communications and media industries grew 15% to 2546 in the first half
of the year, while the value of transactions more than doubled to
Ben Tompkins, a managing director of Broadview, said many leading media
deals in the US were being undertaken by European companies.
Reed Elsevier and Wolters Kluwer were among the most acquisitive of the
European buyers.
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