Re: Implementation of EU Database Directive

Subject: Re: Implementation of EU Database Directive
From: Thomas Hoeren (
Date: ma 06 heinä  1998 - 14:08:54 EEST

Dear Colleagues,
recently, Axel Horns asked whether Germany has implemented the EU
Database Directive it by August 01, 1997 (Amandment of UrhG by
The answer is no: The directive has been implemented as part of
the IukDG (containing several acts). But the implementation entered
into force on 1 January 1998 (different from other regulations in the
IukDG which entered into force on 1 August 1997). So Barbara
Schleihagen is right.

Yours sincerely and - dear Mrs. Schleihagen - my respect and thanks
for all the wonderful work you are doing

Prof. Dr. Thomas Hoeren
Institut fuer Informations-, Telekommunikations-
und Medienrecht (ITM)
Zivilrechtliche Abteilung
Bispinghof 24/25
D- 48143 Muenster
Tel.: +49/251/8329919
Fax: +49/251/8321177

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