Subject: Copyright reforms in Australia
From: Emanuella Giavarra (
Date: ti 05 touko 1998 - 20:25:03 EEST
Dear list members,
The enclosed message was posted by ACLIS to the Australian copyright
list. It seems that the Australian government takes a balanced approach
towards copyright in a digital environment.
Kind regards,
Emanuella Giavarra
From: Gordon Bower
Reply To:
Sent: Thursday, 30 April 1998 1:58 PM
Subject: Statement on copyright reform by Attorney-General.
Dear Copy-Lib subscriber
The Attorney-General, the Hon Daryl Williams, has just issued a Press
Release headed 'Copyright reform and the digital agenda.' This
release, and a speech made by the Attorney at Murdoch University this
morning contain excellent news for libraries and educational
institutions. In announcing the new right of communication to the
public, which will replace the existing technology-specific and limited
transmission rights, the Attorney-General has said that "The Government
is mindful of the need to retain the delicate balance between the rights
of owners of copyright and the needs of users (of) their material to
have reasonable access to it".
The Attorney-General goes on to say "The Government has decided to
extend the existing exceptions for libraries and archives to enable them
to provide reasonable access to copyright material in the on-line
He goes on to say that the Government has made the same decision
regarding educational institutions. He also says that "The conditions
of these exceptions would be similar to those applicable to hardcopy
copyright materials".
There is also a statement that the exception for fair dealing, for
example for the purpose of research and study, will also be carried
forward into the new legislation for digital material.
As I said at the beginning, this is excellent news for libraries and
educational institutions and for the users of copyright material
I expect the Press Release and the Attorney-General's speech to be up
on the web soon and when I have that address, I will post it to the
Gordon Bower
Executive Officer
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