Re: Model licences and licensing software

Subject: Re: Model licences and licensing software
From: Emanuella Giavarra (
Date: pe 24 huhti  1998 - 18:57:36 EEST

(posted to liblicense by Sally Morris)

I can report on the latest stage of work from the UK group. We have
reconvened and are trying to produce a 'toolkit' consisting of three

1 - A standardised framework (rather more fleshed out than a simple
'heads of agreement') which might be adopted, both by those using
wording from the original 'model licence' and by those writing their own

2 - A number of completed examples of licences for particular, common
situations (such as a library licensing one or more journals from a
publisher, or licensing a networkable CD-rom, or obtaining a licence to
create its own digitised version of a text original). For these we are
boiling down the wording in the original model (which we all agree was
too long, complex and legalistic) to the absolute bare minimum which our
legal colleagues on both sides consider acceptable.

3 - An agreed set of definitions which can be referred to in licences,
and does not therefore need to be included in every licence in its
entirety (though we do envisage a handful of key definitions being

We happen to think that the existence of these tools and the knowledge
that they are basically acceptable to both publishers and libraries will
mean that there are far fewer instances where the time and money of both
parties is wasted in unnecessary negotiation about the non-financial
terms and conditions.

We are optimistic about completing this stage of our work by the summer,
at which point I'm sure we'll want to share the outputs as widely as
possible and gather further international feedback.

Sally Morris

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