Subject: $ 500 million donated for Internet2 project
From: Emanuella Giavarra (
Date: ti 21 huhti 1998 - 13:11:20 EEST
ALAWON Volume 7, Number 42
ISSN 1069-7799 April 20, 1998
American Library Association Washington Office Newsline
On April 14 the Internet2 project took a giant step towards
implementation when Vice President Gore announced that three
large communication and technology companies will contribute more
than $500 million in equipment and services to building a faster
Internet network.
The companies -- Qwest Communications International, Cisco
Systems, and Nortel -- promise to provide advanced equipment to
connect universities to the new fiber optic network. The
network, now dubbed "Abeline" for the storied frontier-era rail
route between Texas and Kansas, is expected to serve 122 major
research universities with more sophisticated and faster
networking capabilities by the end of 1999.
Joseph Nacchio, chief executive officer for Qwest, said
that improvements in networking may soon lead experts to measure
speeds in "L.O.C.'s" -- the number of times the contents of the
Library of Congress could be transmitted per second.
The government-supported Next Generation Internet (NGI)
initiative will provide grants to universities through the
National Science Foundation (NSF) to help defray costs of
connections. NGI will also support long term research on ultra
high speed networking, principally through Defense Advanced
Research Projects Agency (DARPA) grants, and support basic
research on the applications of advanced networking.
Gore and officials from University Corporation for Advanced
Internet Development (UCAID), the group that runs Internet2,
predict that the technologies developed for Abeline will soon be
available to the wider community of Internet users. They pointed
out that the current Internet grew out of earlier DARPA and NSF
networking efforts focused on research applications.
The Vice-President also announced that the Defense Advanced
Research Projects Agency plans to invest $50-million in 27
long-term research programs that will help enhance Internet
technologies. The Clinton Administration's latest FY99 budget
proposal requests $110 million for the NGI.
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