Re: Be Aware! Possible consequences of draft Copyright

Subject: Re: Be Aware! Possible consequences of draft Copyright
From: Sally Morris (
Date: pe 27 maalis 1998 - 13:20:38 EET

Sender: owner-ecup-list
Precedence: bulk

At 17:36 18/03/98 +0000, you wrote:
>Dear list members,
>The ECUP Steering Group has identified the following consequences for
>libraries, universities, documentation centres and archives if the
>proposed Copyright Directive would be adopted without changes. In the
>EBLIDA Position Paper amendments are proposed in order to try and curb
>these consequences.
>Under the new draft EU Copyright Directive of 10.12.97
>Libraries, universities, documentation centres and archives cannot:
>(unless they have a licence)

This is the key point. If you legitimately acquire an electronic
publication you will have a licence. It is up to customers (libraries and
end users) to work with publishers to ensure that those licences are
workable for both sides. If you don't have a licence, you will have no
more right to use the material than for a book that you don't own.
>*display electronic copyrighted material on a screen on-site
>*enable on-site users to view, browse and listen to electronic
>copyrighted material for private or educational purposes
>*enable on-site users to make a digital copy for private or educational
>*provide access to digital material to remote users for private or
>educational purposes
>*make a digital copy of a work for preservation or archival purposes
>*send copyrighted material via FTP or by email to another library
>*send copyrighted material via FTP or by email to students or staff
>within an institution
>(Don't forget that these activities are performed on a non-commercial
>Are there more?
>Please send your opinion about the new draft Directive to this list.
>Kind regards,
>Emanuella Giavarra
Sally Morris
Director of Copyright and Licensing
John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Baffins Lane, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 1UD
Tel: 01243 770365 Fax: 01243 770429 Email:

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