Announcement - ICCC/IFIP E-Publishing Conference

Subject: Announcement - ICCC/IFIP E-Publishing Conference
From: J.W.T.Smith (
Date: to 12 maalis 1998 - 22:40:49 EET

ICCC/IFIP Electronic Publishing '98
Towards the Information-Rich Society
20-22 April 1998,
The Central European University Residence and Conference Center,
Budapest, Hungary

The ICCC (International Council for Computer Communications) in
conjunction with IFIP (International Federation for Information
Processing) is pleased to announce the Second ICCC/IFIP Conference on
Electronic Publishing to be held in the Central European University
Residence and Conference Center, Budapest, Hungary, 20-22 April 1998. The
title of this year's conference is Electronic Publishing '98 - Towards the
Information-Rich Society. There will be two parallel tracks: one on
socio-economic issues; and the other on technical issues. There will also
be plenary sessions for papers and discussions that cover the whole of
electronic publishing.

A major underlying theme of the ICCC/IFIP Electronic Publishing
conferences is the promotion of an 'exchange of experience' between the
participants - especially between academics researching in the area, and
publishers and others with practical experience. All papers are refereed
to ensure high quality.

...Keynote speakers

We are particularly pleased to welcome our two invited speakers: Professor
Sir Roger Elliott, ICSU Press (Former Chief Executive of Oxford University
Press), UK, and Miles Ellis, Director of the Educational Technology
Resources Centre, University of Oxford, UK.

...Target audience

The Conference is aimed at anyone involved in the production, provision,
or use of Electronic Publishing and/or its products, or the academic study
of these activities. This includes (but is not limited to): publishers;
providers of net services; providers of support services for e-publishing;
information professionals; librarians; information consultants; all
academics in information and publishing studies; and others with an
interest in any aspect of e-publishing and the provision of public

...A truly international Conference

We already have speakers from 20 countries and expect delegates from even
more. We have speakers from: Australia, Bulgaria, Canada, Czech Republic,
France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Israel, Lithuania, Macedonia, the
Netherlands, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Ukraine, UK, and
the USA

...Conference language

The working language of the Conference is English with simultaneous
translation into Russian.

...The Programme

An Advance Programme (in timetable form), including links to abstracts of
papers, is available at:

NB. This is the Advance Programme and speakers, times, etc. may change.
The Web page will be updated with any changes.


A colour brochure is available - you may request one from:


An Exhibition is being organised in parallel with the Conference. The
exhibition will be open to Conference delegates and external visitors. If
you are interested in exhibiting please contact:

Laszlo Szeibert
Open Society Institute
Electronic Publishing Development Program
Tel: +36 1 327 3122
Fax: +36 1 327 3042

...The Venue

The Conference is to be held at the Central European University Residence
and Conference Center. This a 'state of the art' conference centre
completed in 1995. We have been enabled to use this venue with the help of
a team from the Electronic Publishing Development Program of the Open
Society Institute, Budapest, led by Michael Kay. This team is also
providing the Local Organisation for the Conference.

*** The Organising Committee would like to acknowledge the financial
support provided to ICCC/IFIP Electronic Publishing '98 by the Electronic
Publishing Development Program funded by the Foundation Open Society
Institute. ***


(Note: See 'Fees' below for charges)

The majority of delegates will be accommodated in the Conference Center
itself. These are single rooms with showers, direct-dial telephones and
cable television. The complex includes a self-service restaurant and
coffee lounge. There is also an indoor swimming pool and sauna.

We have also reserved rooms in other hotels. Where these are not within
easy walking distance of the venue transport will be arranged to and from
the Conference Center during the Conference.

The allocation of rooms will be on a 'first come - first served' principle
with the Conference Center rooms being allocated first.

In all cases the accommodation is 'bed and breakfast' only and you will
need to pay separately for any other meals and services.

*** The accommodation we have reserved is limited so you are advised to
Register for the Conference as soon as possible if you want one of these
rooms! ***

Alternatively you are free to make your own accommodation arrangements if
you wish. Simply indicate you are doing this in the space on the
Registration Form for 'other special needs' and leave the accommodation
section of the form blank.


The Conference Fee (includes lunch/refreshments at the Conference)
is 200 UK Pounds or 350 US Dollars.

Single accommodation (single, bed and breakfast) is available at
40 UK Pounds or 70 US Dollars per night.

NB - All fees must be paid in advance of the Conference.


Delegates should register using the official registration form. Copies in
various electronic formats can be found at our main Web page:

or you may request a paper or fax copy. Please e-mail

giving your full postal address or fax number (including international

...Sponsorship opportunities

Would you like to be a sponsor of an identified item or event?
A list of items/events than can be sponsored can be found at:

If you would like to identify your company with this Conference please

Prof Dipak Khakhar
Department of Informatics
Ole Romers vag 6
S-22363 Lund

Tel: +46 46 222 8028
Fax: +46 46 222 4528

...Any other enquiries

If you have any enquiries about the Conference, or just want a colour
brochure, please e-mail:

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