The Citizen and the Global Information Society - conference

Subject: The Citizen and the Global Information Society - conference
From: Emanuella Giavarra (
Date: to 26 helmi  1998 - 14:40:45 EET

(From eblida-list)

Dear EBLIDA members,

An important conference is taking place on 21-22 April 1998 in Brussels
entitled "The Citizen and the Global Information Society".

Organised by the Confederation of European Computer User Associations
(CECUA) in partnership with other European user groups and with support
the European Commission, it examines how social and cultural values are
affected by the transit to the information society, and how European
Citizen can influence developments and how a citizen's platform can be
shaped to meet challenges ahead. The conference will focus on the user
technology not on technological developments.

A Discussion Paper, specifically prepared by Aidan White, European
Federation of Journalists, will be presented before splitting into four
parallel working groups: 1. Political and Legal Environment, 2.
Concerns, 3. New Opportunities for the Citizen and 4. Technical
Expectations. The first working group examines the following issues:
Democracy for All, Privacy and Security, Intellectual Property Rights,
Citizens' right to service access, Ethnics and services provided.

This Conference brings together key decision and policy makers involved
with providing services and products. They represent citizens in their
private and corporate lives as well as the community of small and
medium-sized business. They are concerned about the technical, cultural
impact of the Global Information Society.

Keynote Speakers include Martin Bangemann, Member of the European
Commission, and Lone Dybkjær, Member of the European Parliament.

The cost for the conference is BEF 17,000 (ca. ECU 418) which includes
refreshments and lunch. Further information as well as the text of the
discussion paper can be found at:

Best wishes,
Barbara Schleihagen

Barbara Schleihagen, Director
Heidi Grootscholten, EU Policy Officer
P.O. Box 43300
NL-2504 AH The Hague
Tel: +31-70-309 06 08
Fax: +31-70-309 07 08

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