Subject: Study Present State of the European Patent System
From: Emanuella Giavarra (
Date: to 05 helmi 1998 - 16:30:50 EET
Dear list members,
A study on the European patent system, entitled "The present state of
the patent system in the European Union as compared with the situation
in the United States and Japan", has been prepared with support from the
Community's INNOVATION programme.
Copies of the study, available in English only, may be obtained from
(price ECU 8.50/ EUR 17014 EN):
Eur-Op sales and subscriptrion office in your country
or from
Office of Official Publications of the European Communities
2 rue Mercier
L-2985 Luxembourg
For further information, please contact:
Mr. M. Schmiemann
Kind regards,
Emanuella Giavarra
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