Subject: Info2000 call for proposals
From: Morten Hein (
Date: ti 27 tammi 1998 - 01:01:10 EET
I assume that most of readers have seen the announcement of the EU
INFO2000 call. It can be seen at:
Of particular interest is the call for projects concerning copyright in
multimedia. It can be seen at:
I wonder if the sector interest in libraries will be too narrow to to
form the basis for projects. Some of us are involved in similar projects
on a national basis. Look at:
Has anyone an opinion on project possibilities solely for libraries?
Morten Hein
Hein Information Tools
Hvis nogen mener, at vi skal se nærmere på det, skal vi gøre det. Jeg
tror umiddelbart, at det vil være svært at komme med noget
sektorspecifikt som en art Europæisk Copymus.
hilsen Morten
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